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The Historical Society's collections of documents, objects, and images take up three stories of a climate-controlled storage building. Most of what we have was donated by local residents, businesses, and organizations in the 1980s - 2010s.
Unfortunately, until 2020, no proper cataloging or storage was put in place. That means it's often very difficult for us to know what we have and where it is. We now have a credentialed Collections Manager, but it could take a decade to get tens of thousands of items properly stored. Please call or email with inquiries. If we have an item and it's been cataloged or its location noted, we will be happy to give you more information!

Planning a research visit?

We would be happy to assist you!
Please call the BCHS office at (724) 283-8116 at least one week before your trip to check availability of resources and staff. Most of our collections are housed in another building, so we do need time to access your materials.

Note: We hold no primary genealogical resources such as property records, marriage, birth, or death certificates. Please check Resources for more information.
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